This month I interviewed Liz Smith, Personal Coach, Eight Rivers. On the hot topic of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 

In listening to Liz, I learned that ‘disorder’ was far too negative a word for a condition that actually shows up in highly creative, risk taking, big picture thinking, high energy individuals. Characteristics that we need in our leaders and see in inspirational figures. Think Simone Biles, Richard Branson, Rory Bremner – all have ADHD!

In this 25 minute interview we asked: 

  1. What is ADHD and how do you know if you (or one of your colleagues) might have it?
  2. Why is it that we are seeing a flurry of diagnoses of women in their 40/50s with ADHD – has there been any sort of breakthrough in research?
  3. Why do some senior leaders see their ADHD as the enemy?
  4. Would you say ADHD and great leadership are not mutually exclusive?
  5. How can focusing on your ADHD strengths can help you to lead exceptionally?
  6. Who do you help? And how?
  7. Can you tell me about medication, exercise and nutrition in managing/channelling the condition?
  8. What resources are available for anyone listening to this for whom the symptoms resonate?


Liz is an experienced coach, counsellor, and former corporate senior leader, who also has ADHD.  After 23 years in the publishing industry, she now coaches other high-achieving women with ADHD to become world-class leaders. Liz was diagnosed as an adult and knows first-hand the challenges that can come with neurodivergence. But she also learned that many ADHD traits are actually crucial to corporate success in a fast-moving world. The women who work with Liz don’t just learn how to tame the ADHD beasts; they create personal strategies to harness their unique strengths to become trailblazing leaders.

If you are a business owner or leader in an organisation and you would like to be interviewed for the Q&R Listen.Better vodcast series in 2022 please do get in touch for an initial chat: