It seems growth remains the aim of most PR agencies, for without growth, the risk is that they “wither on the vine.”  Here we examine what agency leaders need to be thinking about above and beyond the usual combo of the well-worn, tried and tested paths:

  1. Investing in your existing client base to generate organic growth.
  2. Word-of-mouth recommendations from trusted clients and those within their ecosystem of contacts.
  3. Marketing campaigns to generate leads.
  4. Networking, cultivating relationships and building brand awareness in target sectors.

But what else should be considered?

Additional Factors for Growing Your PR Agency

  1. Digital Marketing Integration: emphasise the role of digital marketing in PR, including social media strategy, content marketing, and SEO.

  1. Specialisation and Niche Focus: consider specialising in specific industries or types of PR to differentiate from competitors.

  1. Technology Adoption: utilise the latest PR tools, AI and technologies for analytics, customer relationship management, and media monitoring.

  1. Employee Development: invest in training and professional development for employees to enhance skills and retain talent. Become an award-winning place to work – Happy Team + Happy Clients = Growth

  1. Strategic Partnerships: form partnerships with complementary businesses or media outlets to expand reach and resources.

  1. Client Success Stories: showcase successful campaigns or client testimonials to build credibility and attract new clients. Focus on excellence in client satisfaction. Ensure you have a rigorous process in place to measure and manage the client experience.

  1. Diversifying Services: consider offering a wider range of services such as crisis management, event planning, or influencer collaborations.

  1. Sustainability and CSR: emphasise sustainable practices and corporate social responsibility, which can appeal to modern clients and audiences. However, be careful not to become a greenwash victim here….

  1. Global Expansion: if applicable, explore opportunities for international growth and global PR strategies.


  1. Monitoring and Adapting to Trends: stay abreast of industry trends and be flexible to adapt strategies accordingly.

I will leave you with this thought:

A fitting quote about innovation and doing things differently comes from Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company:

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”

This quote reflects the essence of innovative thinking, emphasising the importance of looking beyond the obvious or traditional solutions to find ground-breaking approaches. Ford’s insight encourages businesses to think creatively and lead with visionary ideas rather than just follow market expectations.

I would love to hear your thoughts on how you would add to the above list to help create a comprehensive guide for PR agencies looking to grow and evolve in this dynamic sector.

Henry Ford, Ford motor company, innovative thinking